Package A | $150.00
- 4 (5x7)
- 2 (8x10)
- 1 (11x14)
- 10 wallets
Package B | $200.00
- 4 (4x6)
- 4 (5x7)
- 2 (8x10)
- 1 (11x14)
- 1 (16x20)
- 10 wallets
Package C | $300.00
- 2 pictures 16 x20 with frames
Package D | $400.00
- 1 picture size 16 x20 with frame
- 1 picture size 20 x30 with frame
Package E | $500.00
- 1 (20 x30) with frames
- 1 (16 x20) with frames
- 5 (5x7)
- 2 (8x10)
- 1 (11x14)
- 10 wallets
Package F | $350.00
- 1 custom USB with all high-resolution files
- $100.00 session fee
- Any other selections for any photo, the cost will be
Size Price
- Wallet..................................................$1.00/each (minimum order is 10)
- 4x6......................................................$5.00/each
- 5x7......................................................$7.50/each
- 8x10.....................................................$20.00/each
- 11x14...................................................$25.00/each
- 11x14 (with frame)...............................$60.00/each
- 16x20...................................................$60.00/each
- 16x20 (with frame)...............................$150.00/each
- 20x30...................................................$80.00/each
- 20x30 (with frame)...............................$250.00/each
- Custom USB with all digital photos .....$300
Flush Mount Albums
1. Small Album - $300
Album size: 8" x 8"
Page: 15 (30 spreads)
Hold about 45 photos
2. Medium Album - $400
Album size: 10" x 10"
Page: 15 (30 spreads)
Hold about 65 photos
3. Large Album - $500
Album size 12" x 12"
Page: 20 (40 spreads)
Hold about 90 photos
Extra Cost Might Apply to You
$250 for buying all original digital photos AFTER one of the packages above is ordered
(Except package F, when you select package F, you don't have to pay for $250 extra)